Dojo Leader

Roger Pimlott

Roger took up Kendo and Iaido at the same time twenty years ago and has now reached Sandan in Kendo and Yondan in Iaido.  He is a qualified coach in both arts and can frequently be found teaching at the local Kendo dojo as well as being the dojo leader here.

Somehow he has found time to look at Naginata, Jukendo and Tankendo and applies the knowledge he has learned across all the arts.  As well as growing a phenomenal beard.

Senpai (Senior Student)

Martyn Knight

Martyn has been studying Iaido for over 15 years and has reached Sandan.  He is a qualified coach and works with Roger to make sure that the meaning and intent of all the forms is passed on correctly.

Martin is a bit of a wallflower.  :-)